MarketsCheck current coin prices, and learn more about coinsCryptoCompare CoinMarketCap Reddit - Most coins have a dedicated Reddit section ICO Calendar - DANGER Will Robinson, Serious investors only |
WalletsWallets are used to store crypto assetsLedger Nano S - Hardware wallet, Requires Chrome or Chromium apps Exodus PIVX - Earn PIV by staking coins NEO - Earn GAS by running wallet Monero My Ether Wallet MetaMask - Requires Firefox browser Jaxx - Mobile wallet Android or iPhone |
ExchangesExchanges are used to "buy" one crypto asset using another crypto assetRobinHood - Crypto and Stock trading with NO FEEs. Coinbase - Initial exchange from USD to Crypto. GDAX - Linked to Coinbase, permits cheaper exchange between USD and Crypto. ShapeShift - Used by Exodus Wallet Changelly - Requests email for support only, no verification. HitBTC - Requires account, Use Internets section if your local gov sucks. Binance - Not personally tested EtherDelta - For token purchases. Use caution. Cryptopia Poloniex - Requires KYC, Not available in NY Gold and Silver - Buy precious metals with Bitcoin. |
InternetsInternet services to protect your identityVPN - Allows you to choose the country that your internet connection is routed through. Useful when sites are blocked due to restrictions by facist state governments coughNYcough. TOR - Enables Anonymous internet browsing TutaNota - Secure, Anonymous Email Monero - Anonymous CryptoCurrency |
PeoplesWatch Youtube, Follow Twitter, Reddit, maybe even some FacebookWorldRestart - LEARN why Crypto is so necessary, and can save the world! John McAfee - Pumping coins through daily tweets Clif High - WebBot report creator, predicting the future through linguistics The Bitcoin Group - Daily market reports JSnip - Partnered with a professional trader and selling video classes Roger Ver - Bitcoin Cash The Money GPS |